The Flying Book Project

A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. Like money, books must be kept in constant circulation. A book is not only a friend, it makes friends for you. When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on you are enriched threefold. -Henry Miller

I love reading. And the things I love more than reading are books. The feel of a real book, printed on paper, its texture, and smell, make it a lone firm spot of sanity and solace in the ever changing world around us. In the last 5 years I accumulated a small collection, one by one, and dragged it with me, from city to city. It fits in a carton but weighs a ton, or so my back feels!!

The Flying Book Project
The Flying Book Project

Some of them are my best friends, soothing but curiously static. Some are the wise scholars I reach out to when I have questions; and they happen to have the answers every time. Some are nothing but pure mystery, but are they fun getting lost into?!

This raw power of books to influence human mind is the reason why I believe they should not be caged. They have so much potential and yet they are boxed. I regret being selfish so far, but I will correct my error. I am giving away every single book I own in the next 10 days. I hope the people who get these books will uphold the motive and let these books fly forever, from one reader to another.

Starting today I will post 5 books on my facebook wall. Anyone can claim a book by liking or commenting on the post first. And in an attempt to spread the windfall I am enforcing a one person one book rule. And, of course, we will have to meet to actually exchange the book with your smiles.

Happy Reading!!

Update [11th May, 2012 ]:

In the last 7 days I was able to give away 40 books to 32 friends and friends of friends. The participation was way above my original expectations. One particular night 10 books got claimed between 12 and 2 in the night!! Overall an amazing experience. And now begins the task of delivering these books to their new owners and en-cashing those digital smiles for real ones, as I meet all of them one by one.

This project was started as a one time activity. But I feel it will be impossible to stop something so amazingly beautiful. The Flying Book Project will live, it will breath every time these books exchange more hands, and hopefully the positivity created will foster the spirit of reading and sharing everywhere.

If you have a book which you want to give away please mail me or contact me on Facebook or Google+. Let’s make the world a better place, one book at a time.

Note: I held on to 10 books which will go to my nephews and niece in Jaipur. We have a strict no Facebook policy for them and hence they could not participate. :]

Update [15th May, 2012 ]:

[Thanking Joyeeta for the quote on top.]

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